As a society, is it a debatable idea that we have an obligation to create opportunities for burgeoning up and comers and young people? Creating real life-changing opportunities for young people is a contribution of an unrivaled calibre.

Haringey council recently established a scheme that saw medium to large business owners commit to a target of trying to hire 100 apprenticeships this year.

Hiremech was one of those businesses and we have been honoured with a spate of positive reportage detailing our achievements here.

MD Paul Green has always been supportive of creating opportunities for young people, he was quoted in a Haringey.Gov article speaking of the fundamental milestone in a young person’s life that is getting accepted onto an apprenticeship scheme. He was quoted saying:

“I’ve always found that young people are full of energy and enthusiasm and want to learn something new. I think it’s important to give young people and those who are unemployed a chance, and of the five people we’ve taken on before, four are still here years later.” Paul Green. Hiremech.


As much as this is positive news there is still a long way to go for building real, meaningful opportunities for young people across the country.

And the government are taking tentative steps towards reaching that ideal.

Employers who join the recently introduced Haringey 100 campaign can apply for up to £3,000 to help fund the placement, along with practical help with recruitment which can be crucial for businesses of this size.

Haringey Council has also invested around £500,000 to expand the pioneering Fashion Technology Academy in Haringey, creating nearly 3,000 NVQ qualification places and building skills in the borough’s established textiles industry. But another example of a business sector pushing towards reaching these inspiring targets.

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